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We are the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Archdiocese of NY, an expression of the Catholic Charismatic Movement which began in the Catholic Church in February 1967 when a group of college students from Duquesne University made a retreat at the Ark and the Dove Retreat House outside Pittsburgh.  On this retreat God acted sovereignly, poured out His Spirit on the students, and began giving them charismatic gifts such as those listed in l Corinthians 12-14.


Central to the experience of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is what is known as "Baptism in the Holy Spirit." This is not viewed as some kind of "eighth sacrament", but rather as a renewal in the Holy Spirit already received in Baptism and Confirmation. Many Catholic Charismatics testify to a greater sense of the presence and love of God, a greater taste for prayer and Scripture reading, a desire to witness to others, and the experience of one or more of the charismatic gifts already referred to.

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The Charismatic Renewal has been warmly welcomed in the Church by Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II. Pope Paul addressed some 10,000 Catholic charismatics in St. Peter's Basilica in May 1975 and called the Charismatic Renewal a "chance", an "opportunity" for the Church and the world.  Pope John Paul II has met with members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and their leaders on numerous different occasions.  At an audience in May 1987, Pope John Paul said, "The Charismatic Renewal is an eloquent manifestation of the continued youthful vitality of the Church today, a bold statement of what 'the Spirit is saying to the Churches' (Rev. 2:7) as we approach the close of the Second Millennium."


Directors of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) in Rome meet regularly with the Holy Father to keep him abreast of the movement's progress.  Many bishops and priests are active participants in the Charismatic Renewal.


The National Service Committee (NSC) of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal also represents the Renewal to the hierarchy in the United States and promotes Baptism in the Spirit nationally through the efforts at Chariscenter, USA.

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